Eddie Jiang Praxair(China) HR Director
Eddie Jiang is now with Praxair, one of the world’s leading industrial gas companies. His career in HR function started in 1996 and had been working for several Fortune 500 companies during the past years. After solid HR career developments in Pepsi Foods, Henkel, and Unilever, and GlaxoSmithKline, he is currently the China HR Director for Praxair. Through his experiences with the mega-MNCs, he has accumulated advanced HR knowledge especially in the area of reward management, organization management, talent development, employee engagement, etc.
Eddie holds a bachelor’s degree in Laws and had got an MBA degree from CIBT-City University in Beijing, China.
作为一家拥有百年历史的财富300强企业,普莱克斯(纽约证券交易所上市,证券代码PX)是北美和南美洲*大的工业气体生产商,也是全球*大的工业气体供应商之一。普莱克斯2009年销售额达90亿美元, 在全世界30多个国家设有气体生产厂,拥有27,000名员工。公司致力于帮助客户获取更高利润,提高生产效率以及环保效益。普莱克斯生产、销售和配送大气气体、工艺气体、特种气体、高性能表面涂料以及相关服务和技术,客户行业遍布航空航天、化工、食品饮料、电子、能源、医疗、制造以及金属等等。


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