Pinggen Peng CIIC Talent Assessment Center Executive General Manager
Mr. Pinggen Peng is a famous talent assessment expert with more than 6 years’ executive management experience, 7-year teaching experience in human resource and talent assessment in college and 10-year consulting experience, taking the position of vice president and IT director in some consulting company. Mr. Pinggen Peng now is also invited expert of Leadership Examination and Assessment Center of the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the CPC, vice chairman of Human Resource Management Committee of Shanghai Psychological Society (SHPS), assessment expert for Professional Manager and Human Resource Management Division of Shanghai Occupational Skill Assessment Center.
Founded in 1987, China International Intellectech Corporation (CIIC) is one of the state-owned backbone enterprises under the direct management of the Chinese Central Government. Headquartered in Beijing, it has 87 subsidiaries and branches focusing on international cooperation in the fields of economy, technology and talent in China and other 76 countries and regions around the world. Keeping abreast of the latest development of knowledge-powered productivity amid the global economic integration, the mega trends of structural change and transfer of worldwide service sector as well as complete outsourcing especially offshore arrangements, and catering for China’s demands for restructuring of service industry and growing of new economic paradigms, CIIC has been building its core competence in the field of intellectual services, standing out as the leading HR service provider which demonstrates proven competitiveness and influence in talents, resources, networks, scale and experience. Furthermore, it is extending its expertise to new fields like investment and trading services. CIIC has becoming a newly exploring enterprise with its high competence and leading advantages.


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