Star Wang Allianz Internal Communication Director
Ms. Star Wang is internal communication director in Allianz SE. Before joining Allianz SE, she was PR manager of Zhaopin.com (Shanghai), factory internal communication manager of Shanghai Michelin Warrior Tyre Co., Ltd., internal communication manager of BlueScope Steel China. Star built up the media network in Shanghai and East China for Zhaopin.com when she was the chief editor of Alliance HR Watch magazine (now renamed as CHO). With the external communication experience, Star realized the career transformation from external to internal communication. Now she is committed to formulate internal communication strategy and create systematic and efficient internal communication channels for company’s development and change, aiming to promote the culture integration and improve the employee engagement.
The Allianz Group is one of the leading integrated financial services providers worldwide. With approximately 151,000 employees worldwide, the Allianz Group serves more than 76 million customers in about 70 countries. On the insurance side, Allianz is the market leader in the German market and has a strong international presence.
In fiscal 2010 the Allianz Group achieved total revenues of over 106.5 billion euros. Allianz is also one of the world's largest asset managers, with third-party assets of 1,164 billion euros under management at year end 2010. In 2006 Allianz SE, the parent company, became the first company in the EURO STOXX 50 Index to adopt the legal form of a Societas Europaea, which is a new European legal form for stock corporations. Allianz SE is headquartered in Munich, Germany.
Beyond the quality of our financial performance, a number of other activities and factors are important for the sustainable growth of our competitive strength and company value. These include, but are not limited to, our global diversification, the reduction of complexity, our value-based management approach, and our crucially important employees.


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