
 Sponsorship Value
China Human Capital Forum 2010 will integrate plenty of media resources to do promotion, including the top financial media and comprehensive media; meanwhile, tens of top media agencies will cover this forum by live and follow-up report. This event gets such strong attention that sponsorship agencies will get maximum concentrated promotion for their brand & product and enterprises will keep their competitive advantage and build upstanding public relation.

 1、brand promotion:
China Human Capital Forum 2010 will let the sponsorship agencies face directly to more than 800 HR elites and industry authorities from the Fortune 500 companies in China and make your brand the focus of tens of top media immediately so that the sponsorship agencies could greatly advance the reputation of your brand to your target market with minimum investment.
 2、enhance cooperation:
China Human Capital Forum 2010 will attract plenty of top managers with great purchasing demands. The sponsorship agencies will be the focus of the conference by its special identity and reputation to race to reach the commanding height of the economic cooperation and to seek potential cooperation opportunities so that it can make solid foundation for exploring brand-new market.

 3、communication network:
China Human Capital Forum 2010 will supply the sponsorship agencies good opportunities to communication with the CEO, top managers and authorities from the world famous HR consultant agencies so as to help you to build up better communication network and attain better publication resources.

 Sponsorship category
Chief Sponsor
Amount: RMB 1 million


Only one

Sponsored return:

Repeat the promotion video clip during forum’s intermittences
Appears in well-known publications (including 100,000 direct emails from July to September);
Company LOGO will be in the advertisements of the noted publications (Newsweek, Harvard Business Review, Business Week, Reuters, CBN……)
Company name and logo will be in the Chief Sponsor list of the background board of 2010 China Human Capital Forum.
Special appreciation will be given to Chief Sponsor by host in the opening ceremony
Free cross-Page Golden Advertisement position in the cover 2 of the publication for Chief Sponsor
Free 8 Pages A4 four color advertisement in “Human Capital Management”(RMB 90,000)
Poster of the company will hang up at the main hall of the conference
Your company information will be in the forum publications (50 pages).
The company name and LOGO will be in the head page of chinahcf.com
The company name and logo will be in the sponsor page of forum website, including the introduction and the link of the company
30 free forum tickets (count for RMB135,000 )
3 standard stands outside the forum
Print logo at both side of the data bag
Provide the tea break and supper
Ten persons could attend any kinds of forum or salon hosted by HRoot for free within one year


Diamond Sponsor
Amount: RMB 100,000



Sponsored return:

Appears in well-known publications (including 100,000 direct emails from July to September)
Company LOGO will be in the advertisements of the noted publications (Newsweek, Harvard Business Review, Business Week, Reuters, CBN……)
Company name and logo will be in the Diamond Sponsor list of the background board of 2010 China Human Capital Forum.
The chief representative from diamond Sponsor will have 80 minutes for speech(the topic should surround the keynote of the forum)
Free 1 Page A4 four color advertisement in the forum publication
Free 4 Pages A4 four color advertisement in “Human Capital Management”(RMB 60,000)
Your company information will be in the forum publications (20 pages).
The company name and LOGO will be in the head page of chinahcf.com
The company name and logo will be in the sponsor page of forum website, including the introduction and the link of the company
10 free forum tickets (count for RMB45,000 )
1 standard stands outside the forum
Print logo at both side of the data bag
Provide the tea break and supper
Five persons could attend any kinds of forum or salon hosted by HRoot for free within one year


Platinum Sponsor
Amount: RMB 50,000



Sponsored return:

Company name and logo will be in the exhibitors list of the background board of 2010 China Human Capital Forum.
Free 1 Page A4 four color advertisement in the forum publication
Your company information will be in the forum publications (10 pages).
The company name and LOGO will be in the head page of chinahcf.com
The company name and logo will be in the sponsor page of forum website, including the introduction and the link of the company
3 free forum tickets (count for RMB13,500)
1 standard stand outside the forum
Provide the tea break and supper


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