SIMBA is a Sino-Foreign MBA programme jointly set up by Tongji University and the ENPC in Paris in 2000.
It is a part time programme specially designed for managers and decision makers of foreign invested companies and Fortune 500 companies, and executives who wish to advance their careers in the management field of the international environment.
It is an English taught programme with professors from world leading business schools. SIMBA graduates are granted the ENPC MBA degree.
The establishment of SIMBA is recognized by the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, and Ministry of Education in China. It is one of the earliest programmes approved by the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council to deliver a foreign degree in China.

About Ranking
In 2005, SIMBA became the first AMBA accredited joint international MBA in Asia.
In 2010, SIMBA again ranked the 2nd among China’s Most Influential Sino-Foreign MBA Programmes by the World Executive Weekly.
In 2010, SIMBA ranked the 39th top EMBA globally by Financial Times.
In 2011, SIMBA ranked the 4th among business schools in Mainland China by Businessweek.

SIMBA Faculty
SIMBA faculty are professors from world leading business schools including London Business School, ENPC MBA, Warwick Business School, Trinity College, Sorbonne University and Rotterdam School of Management. For each course, the visiting international professor is paired with a Chinese member of the faculty. There are also seminars given by top executives from different corporations.

SIMBA Features
SIMBA has an excellent alumni network, 90% of the participants are from foreign-invested companies and over 50% of them worked in Fortune 500 companies.
SIMBA adopts the world leading teaching method of interactive teaching and participants are taught entirely in English. Part-time study won’t interfere with participants’ work, and they can also join Study Trips to Europe and Exchange Programme to ENPC Paris and University of Edinburgh Business School, UK.