naked Retreats is a hotel management company that designs, builds and operates luxury rural resorts conveniently located for major cities in China. There are two naked resort properties to date, both in Zhejiang Province beside Shanghai, at Paitou and Moganshan. The company is a Wholly Owned Foreign Enterprise (WOFE) headquartered in Shanghai, established in 2007 by Grant Horsfield from South Africa.

A key theme of naked Retreats is preservation: of nature, vernacular architecture and local communities. naked Home Village, the company’s first resort, preserved existing farmhouses. naked Stables Private Reserve preserves nature and wildlife, and its new buildings are carefully designed and positioned to fit in with the natural environment.

naked Retreats practices sustainability in all that it does. naked Stables Private Reserve (Tree Top Villas and Earth Huts) is the first resort in China to achieve LEED (Leadership in Environmental Energy Design) Platinum Certification.