John Pan Guanai Tong general manager
Mr. John Pan is the deputy general manager of CIIC and GM of Guanai Tong. With more than 15 years human resource consulting experience in domestic and foreign companies, John is good at consulting and implementation of employee relationship, EAP, employee full return, career development, competency assessment and organizational diagnosis. Beyond that, John was also chief representative of some foreign company and senior manager of a large domestic enterprise in charge of strategic development and marketing planning. John has Master degree of Management Science & Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
Guanai Tong is China’s first one-stop non-cash incentive and recognition solution provider, under the brand of CIIC. Guanai Tong is familiar with the caring solution of successful companies, and orchestrates with social resource to provide client companies with employee caring total solution including content, commodity, customer service, logistics, based on the world’s leading IT platform. Thus client companies can deliver customized caring to every employee instantly, transparently, and institutionalize the caring solution in the organization to realize great performance.