Pablo MARTIN de HOLAN IE Business School Chairman of the Entrepreneurial Management
Pablo MARTIN de HOLAN is the Chairman of the Entrepreneurial Management / Gestión Emprendedora Department of the Instituto de Empresa Business School and adjunct Professor at MIT’s Master in Supply Chain Management in Saragossa, Spain. Before joining IE, he was the Bombardier Professor of Entrepreneurship at the University of Alberta, Canada, visiting professor at HHL (School of Business) in Leipzig, Germany and visiting Professor at University Torcuato di Tella in Buenos Aires, Argentina, among others. From 1993 to 1998 he won two consecutive years the Royal Bank Teaching Innovation Award and was considered one of the founding fathers of the Strategic Management.Pablo has earned a PhD in Strategic Management from McGill University in Canada and a Masters in Sociology and another one in Social Sciences, both from the Sorbonne University in Paris. Simultaneously to his academic career, he has worked as a consultant to several international organizations and transnational corporations and State Owned Firms and several private companies in Canada, France, Spain, Argentina, and several countries in Central and South America. His research has been published by many practitioner and academic journals (Financial Times, Sloan Management Review MIT, Management Science, Strategic Organization, the Journal of Management Inquiry, Harvard Business Review (America Latina), Revista de Empresa, Journal of Business Research, among others), has been reviewed by journals such as the Financial Times (UK), The Economist (UK), and presented in several Scientific Meetings such as the Academy of Management, the Strategic Management Society, the Association of International Business, the European Group on Organizational Studies, and Administrative Sciences Association of Canada among others. His paper called “Managing Organizational Forgetting” won the “Bechkard Memorial Prize” as it was voted the best paper on organizational change published by the Sloan Management Review in 2004. In addition, he has published five book chapters, and contributes constantly with professional journals such as the Financial Times (UK). The Globe and Mail (Canada), National Post (Canada), El Financiero (Costa Rica), La Nación (Costa Rica), Pauta (Panamá), Hablemos Claro (Honduras), InfoBAE (Argentina) among others.
IE Business School is regularly ranked among the top 20 business schools by media like BusinessWeek, Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal and The Economist, who consider IE's flagship International MBA and Executive MBA programs as among the best in the world.
IE Business School provides a wide range of MBA programs, including the flagship International MBA, the International Executive MBA, the Executive Bi-weekly MBA and the Global MBA, all available in both English and Spanish versions. This offer is rounded off by further full-time English language programs that include Masters in Management, Master in Economics & Business Journalism, Master in Global Environmental Change, Master in Corporate Communication, Master in Architectural Management, Master in Organizational Leadership, Master in Digital Marketing Online, Master in Sports Management Online,Master in Biotechnology Online, Executive Master in Global Supply Chains Online, Master in Finance and Master in Advanced Finance, all taught in English.

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