

CIIC Human Capital Survey & Data Service Center is managed by the CIIC HR Management Consulting Co., Ltd. Introducing the Total Rewards theory from Worldatwork on the basis of more than 23,000 foreign enterprises, CIIC Human Capital Survey & Data Service Center provides more than 30,000 enterprises with comprehensive and accurate salary data. Our database includes Fortune 500 enterprises investing in China, state-owned enterprises and private enterprises, industries involved in manufacturing, high technology, consumer goods, financial, trade, chemicals, shipping and logistics, nearly more than 50 subdividing industries. Meanwhile, CIIC Human Capital Survey & Data Service Center is the salary data provider to SASAC, China Academy of Engineering, some municipal Social Councils and other government departments and agencies.In addition to salary data services, our main businesses include Employee Sati faction Survey & Employee Engagement Survey, aiming to providing enterprises with not only more professional salary data and reports, but also more comprehensive salary services through providing professional consultations and trainings. We are hoping to help the enterprise promote its overall human resource management capability. CIIC is the exclusive enterprise which is engaged in human resources services, directly managed by SASAC.CIIC has been among the Top 10 of “Global 100 Human Resources Vendors” for three consecutive years and was titled “Best Comprehensive HR Services institutions” by Human Capital Management .CIIC ranked 318 among the “Top 500 Chinese Enterprises”, and it has been ranked No. 1 in China’s HR services industry for 9 consecutive years.