As China's first higher education institution to establish the educational system of Business Administration, the century-old Fudan University launchedits business discipline as early as in 1917, and later set up the School of Business in 1929.The University later set up the Department of Management Science in 1979 and finally reestablished the School of Management in 1985.

After the rapid development during the past two decades, the School now consists of 8 departments and 15 cross-disciplinary research centers/institutes. It offers 1 disciplinary doctoral degree program, 8 PhD degree programs of specialist subjects and 16master’s degree programs of specialist subjects ,7 undergraduate programs. It also runs 3 mobile stations for post-doctoral research (including 1 established in cooperation with the School of Economics). In addition, the School also provides professional master’s degree programs including MBA/EMBA and Master of Professional Accountants (MPAcc) programs.

In 2010, the School launched 4 new postgraduate degree programs, including the Master in Financial Management Program, the Master in Financial Engineering Program, the Doctor of Business Administration Program offered in collaboration with City University of Hong Kong, and the Fudan University- Taiwan University EMBA Program. As of the end of Oct 2011, the school boasts a total of 148 faculty members, including 45 full professors (43 are Ph.D. supervisors) and 59 associate professors. 93% of the faculty holds a PhD degree, among whom53 faculty members obtained their degrees from overseas, accounting for 36% of the total faculty members.

Since its reestablishment, FDSM has been adopting an internationalization strategy and actively exploring opportunities of international exchanges. It has built up cooperation and exchanges with over 60 well-known universities and research institutions from such countries and regions as USA, Italy, Norway, UK, France, Singapore, Australia, South Korea, and Hong Kong etc. The internationalization strategy has covered a wide range of areas including student exchange, faculty exchange, collaborative scientific research, curriculum development, corporate links and international cooperative research, etc.

Mission Statement
Centered within the Chinese business environment, we are committed to advancing academic and applied research, as well as sharing innovative ideas and thoughts. We also strive to develop professional managers, elite scholars and social leaders who through their global perspectives and local insights, contribute to economic growth and social development.