Kevin Xu IBM Greater China Talent Leader
Dr. Xu is currently Talent Leader at IBM Greater China, he leads the talent strategy for the company and drives the “people for growth” strategy, focusing on talent resource/skills planning and enablement, leadership development, employee engagement. His expertise is in talent management strategy and practices– particularly through analytics and systematic model to build the smarter workforce and provide business insights and people solutions. Kevin received his PH.D in System Engineering and Industrial Management and he is also an expert in Lean Six Sigma, and HR coach and practitioner.
IBM (NYSE:IBM) is a globally integrated technology and consulting company headquartered in Armonk, New York. With operations in more than 170 countries, IBM attracts and retains some of the world's most talented people to help solve problems and provide an edge for businesses, governments and non-profits. In 2013, IBM‘s global business turnover has reached USD 99.751 billion and is placed No. 71 of 2014 Global Fortune 500 companies. IBM filed a total of 6,809 patents in the United States, the largest number in the world for twenty one consecutive years. IBM set up its representative office in Beijing in 1985. Seven years later in 1992, IBM China, the first wholly owned foreign enterprise in China, was established. With operations in around 80 cities, IBM China is engaged in full portfolio of business including sales & distributions, research & development, and service delivery.