Susan Wang Founder/Board Chairman/CEO of Dajie.com
Susan joined China Internet Industry since 1998, she was among the early stage entrepreneurial team and played a key role in establishing ChinaRen.com , KongZhong.com, RenRen.com, and was CMO and Executive Vice-President of China InterActive Corp (RenRen.com). Susan ran the business with her rich experience of managing Internet product development, operation, marketing and sales, especially her deep understanding of Social Network Service model and products in China. In 2008, Susan established Dajie.com and took the role as the founder and CEO of the company, with the vision and mission to establish the most user-centric and professional-driven business SNS eco-system, and connect more than 27 million professionals to make them more productive and successful, by matching and balancing the supply and demand of talents, businesses, and insights.In 2006, Susan was awarded as “Top 10 female leaders of the year” by Trends Group, the other winners in the list were Lan Yang (Sun Media Group) , MingZhu Dong (Gree Group), etc. In 2011, Susan was awarded as “the best internet entrepreneur of the year” by DoNews media.
Dajie.com is a social network platform based on real-name registration and real business relations, focused on career development, business development and industry communication. Over the advantage of the Internet Technology, Dajie.com has become a leading business network platform. Dajie.com meets the demand of business social interaction and introduced the concept of social connection in business SNS. It adds one new user per second. Dajie aspires to establish the most user-centric and professional-driven business SNS eco-system to help its users to achieve success more efficiently. Connect China’s professionals (including “professionals to be”) to make them more productive and successful.