Rainbow Yu Cabot Asia Pacific HR Director
Rainbow is the regional HR Director for Cabot Corporation, a leading performance material company (NYSE CBT), responsible for its HR strategy development, implementation and HR operation in Asia Pacific.
Prior to Cabot, Rainbow was senior talent and organization consultant with Hewitt Associates and has consulted with organizations in the areas of organizational assessment and design, employee engagement, total rewards, and talent retention. Rainbow also worked intensively for organizations in post merger/acquisition HR assessment and integration.
Rainbow speaks in public events and facilitates training courses including HR Being a Business Driver, Talent Retention, Total Rewards, etc.
Rainbow has an M.S. degree in Industrial Relations from University of Wisconsin – Madison and a B.A. from Fudan University.
卡博特公司有130 年的经营,1882年由Godfrey Lowell Cabot创建,扎根中国25年。卡博特公司于1968年成为上市公司,拥有广阔的地理版图:1950年卡博特走出美国,在欧洲建成炭黑工厂,同期进军亚太市场,1960年进入南美洲,1980年进入中国,1968年在纽约证券交易所上市,1882年创建全球高性能材料公司,在全球超过20个国家拥有45家工厂,核心竞争力:超细粒子制造及其表面处理。2012卡博特财年销售额为33亿美元;卡博特在全球超过20个国家的45家工厂,均采用本地化管理。在卡博特,安全、健康和环境保护(SH&E)是卡博特关注的重点。作为卡博特企业价值观的一部分,卡博特的员工致力于:
• 安全地生产各种产品
• 保护员工以及所在社区的健康和安全
• 尊重我们所在的环境