Lynn Wu Bayer China Leadership Academy Principal Consultant
Ms. Wu has a bachelor’s degree in computer science and master’s degree in economic law. She attended 12 years’military service, and served three years as a lecture for graduate students. Ms. Wu once served as a human resources manager in the hotel industry, and after entering the Bayer company, she worked in the Bayer Material Science Department as its human resources director, and in the Bayer Greater China Holding Company as its Director of Human Resources System Control, in Bayer HealthCare Co. Ltd. as its Director of Learning and Development, and the Principal Consultant at the Bayer China Leadership Academy. Ms. Wu has extensive experience in the field of human resources, capable of comprehensive human resource consulting and innovations.
In recent years, Lynn Wu has made studies in the field of learning and development, and has been in charge of the performance management projects of Bayer, an effort that won her the 2009 Asia-Pacific HR Innovation Award. She implemented the "60-70-80, our golden ages in Bayer," a project that involved 2000 people and generated the themes of "Be A Coach" and "I am the master of my growth" that were adopted as the learning topics of Bayer in 2011, applicable to employees, managers and teams at all levels. In 2012, she hosted the "bridge" project at the Bayer China Leadership Academy, to provide global leadership program to some 3,000 leaders. In order to meet the special needs of Chinese entrepreneurs for global leadership program,the Bayer China Leadership Academy that provides the "Approach" course, an effort that earned Bayer the title of "the Best Chinese talent development enterprise" issued by Training magazine.
Ms. Wu believes that "training is change", and she respects humanity and truth, bringing together adult learning concept, philosophy and coaching techniques, and urging students to "do their brilliant best.”
Bayer is a global enterprise with core competencies in the fields of health care, nutrition and high-tech materials. In fiscal 2012, the Group employed about 110,500 people and had sales of €39.7 billion. Capital expenditures amounted to €2 billion, R&D expenses to €3 billion, ranked No.194 on Fortune Global 500 Companies 2013.
Bayer’s links with China have a long tradition, going back to 1882 when the company first began supplying dyes for the Chinese market. With China now among the fastest-growing markets in the world, Bayer has stepped up its involvement in the region. Today, Greater China (PR China, Hong Kong, Taiwan) is Bayer's largest single market in Asia, accounting for sales of around EUR 2.9 billion in 2010. Currently around 11,000 people work for Bayer in Greater China, which is also among the major focuses of the company’s global investment.
Bayer is represented in Greater China by its Bayer HealthCare, Bayer Crop Science and Bayer Material Science subgroups and the service company Bayer Technology Services, and operates several production facilities there. Local production now accounts for an increasing proportion of sales in Greater China. With a number of major investments under way, Bayer is positioned to remain a key partner in China’s development.