Grace Lau McDonald's Hamburger University, China Training, Learning, Development Director
Ms. Grace Lau joined McDonald's as a probationary manager, and has since served roles at different ranks; she has more than five years’ working experience and 15 years’ experience in front-line training management and human resources management experience, including three years of work experience in Hong Kong. All these has enriched her understanding of fostering cross-cultural organizational talent.
In 2007 and 2008, Ms. Lau was responsible for the running of McDonald's Beijing Olympics team, leading more than 1,200-member McDonald's star team to extend the quality McDonald's experience to athletes, spectators and visitors. Because of her outstanding performance and result during this period, she received an award from the U.S. headquarters.
She is currently responsible for McDonald's Hamburger University and Leadership Institute. She is a certified instructor of leadership courses that has been involved in several major talent development programs of the company, and is committed to the training and development of corporate leaders in Greater China.
A Fortune 500 company, McDonald's (NYSE: MCD) was founded in 1955 and is headquartered in Oak Brook, Illinois, USA. As a world leader in the retail food service industry, McDonald has 34,480 restaurants and more than 410,000 employees in 119 countries in the world, and registered $27.567 billion in revenue in 2012. McDonald was ranked No. 8 Business Week’s Best Global Brands in 2008. In 1990 McDonald opened in Shenzhen its first restaurant in China; and now it has more than 1,400 restaurants in China with more than 50,000 employees.