Shirley Yang AstraZeneca China Management Academy Training Director
Shirley Yang is a Training Director of AstraZeneca China Management Academy. She is responsible for developing learning organization, designing and developing systematic training curriculum, implementation of high quality training courses in order to build up talent pipeline for AZ China. Meanwhile, she always focuses on the evaluation of different training programs, her speech regarding “Evaluating Peer Coaching as an Effective Way to Develop Internal Talent” was presented on ASTD (American Society of Training and Development)in 2010.
Shirley spent 18 years in the pharmaceuticals Industry starting her career in 1995 with Roche Pharmaceuticals as a Medical Sales Representative. She also had 3 years product management experience in Roche. In recently 12 years, she took her sales training responsibilities in both Medtronic & Astrazeneca and accumulated fruitful experience in training affairs, such as need analysis, training courses design,development delivery as well as training evaluation tools development.
Prior to joining Pharmaceuticals Industry, Shirley Yang has worked as a doctor in the hospital for 2 years.
Shirley holds a Bachelor degree in Clinical Medicine from Shanghai Second Medical University, and Diploma of Psychology from East China Normal University . She also has the Certification of MBTI TTT, DDI and SL-II TTT.
AstraZeneca is a global, innovation-driven, integrated biopharmaceutical company, with headquarters located in London. In 2012, the operation revenue was $333 billion, AstraZeneca ranked No.194 on Fortune Global 500 Companies 2013. AstraZeneca discovers, develops, manufactures and markets prescription medicines for six important areas of healthcare, which include some of the world’s most serious illnesses: cancer, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, infection, neuroscience, and respiratory and inflammation. AstraZeneca invests over $4 billion in R&D each year and has over 11,000 people in our R&D organization.