PENSEE eHR-Station HRM is a HR information management solution product of Pensee company which is based on Microsoft .NET framework. Pensee’s clients cover the industry of manufacturing, food & beverage, financial services, retail, pharmaceutical, IT, real estate, and wholesale etc. We has established long term strategic partner relationship with key clients. To know more about the PENSEE, please visit:www.penseesoft.com

About Easeways: As China's leading human resources management software pioneer - Pensee Technology Group, opened in 2010 on the occasion of the creation of its human resources outsourcing services to independent brand - "Easeways". " (Easeways)" to provide customers with a cloud-based platform, "one-stop" outsourcing service (SaaS model), services including human resources outsourcing (HRO), human resources knowledge process outsourcing (KPO), compensation and benefits outsourcing (C&BO), recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO), business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and so on. To know more about the Easeways, please visit:www.easeways.com.cn