Stanley Sun AstraZeneca HRD
Stanley Sun, born in Tianjin China 1977, graduated from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and Nankai University, MBA degree. Once Stanley served in Samsung, GSK and then Merck KGaA, focus on human resource management and development. Now Stanley works for AstraZeneca, engaged as Human Resource Director.
AstraZeneca [NYSE:AZN] is a global innovation-driven biopharmaceutical company specializing in the discovery, development, manufacturing and marketing of prescription medicines. Its more than 50,000 employees work continuously around the world. Its global headquarters is in London, UK, and work in over 100 countries. It invests over $4 billion every year in the discovery and development of the next generation of innovative medicines. It manufactures in 16 countries. Its headquarters are based in Shanghai and it has more than 8,000 employees throughout China. In China, AstraZeneca focuses on the therapeutic areas that local patients need most: Cardiovascular, Diabetes/Metabolism, Oncology/Neuroscience and Gastrointestinal/Respiratory/Anaesthesia. The revenue is 25.711 billion dollars in the fiscal year 2013 and is placed No. 468 of 2014 Global Fortune 500 companies.